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Monthly Archives: February 2024
A weakening consumer likely leads to stagflation, with the credit card situation at small banks rising to the loftiest level in history, and a potential government shutdown serving a severe blow to what's left of consumer resilience.
As data is AI's fuel, the growing demand for generative AI solutions creates a significant need for specialized software and hardware to support the capture, storage, and processing of massive amounts of data.
The market's enthusiasm for AI was palpable, with investors concluding that AI's impact may just be starting and anticipating it will be a driving economic force in 2024 and beyond.
Gold is a special asset that behaves differently to equities, bonds, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, making it a perfect diversifier to a portfolio.
The 2024 election cycle has the potential to be extremely decisive, with geopolitical tensions remaining elevated, and as we witness both growing polarization and continued economic uncertainty.
As inflation reaches fresh '24 highs, rates are expected to continue their upward trend, making it a challenging environment for investors.
Markets were quiet Monday but opened lower Tuesday in response to the January inflation report that showed higher-than-expected consumer prices.
As we look back at our best and worst calls of 2022, it's clear that we got more correct than not. However, I wish we were more emphatic about some of them.
The housing rebound is expected to support the economy this year, with the sector likely to experience modest growth in residential investment.
The stock market experienced solid gains last week, concluding the trading week on a positive note, thanks to robust corporate reports and favorable inflation news.
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