Legendary investor Warren Buffett, head of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A), issued a press release today announcing that David Sokol (pictured) one of his top executives at the company and the frontrunner to replace Buffett, has resigned. Buffett writes: “Dave’s [resignation] letter was a total surprise to me.” The Wall St. […]
Some great responses to the question on Quora – first up, Benedict Evans goes back to the 15th century: Ferdinand & Isabella’s decision to back Columbus paid off pretty well. Spain ruled most of the south American continent for the next 300 years and used the flow of silver to […]
Turbotax produced this infographic that breaks down the U.S. government’s spending, how it’s changed in the last decade, and what it could look like in 2012, based on the proposed 2012 Presidential budget. Drag the scissors across the dates, then mouse over the sections of the dollar to see the […]
Online retailer Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) launched a cloud-based music locker on Wednesday. From the company’s press release, the service is designed to enable customers to securely store music in the cloud and play it on any Android phone, Android tablet, Mac or PC, wherever they are. Customers can easily upload […]
Harvard economic historian Niall Ferguson went on Consuela Mack’s Wealthtrack this week to describe the fall of the West. He starts by naming the six killer apps (his term) that brought the West to prominence over the past 500 years, then explains China and India’s rise due to “downloading those […]
“Don’t invest in a fund where the manager has access to your assets,” says John Hempton, straight up, in response to Rob Curran’s WSJ article on hedge fund due diligence. Hempton, who runs Australia-based hedge fund Bronte Capital, says Curran’s piece “is so misguided as to be comical” and explains […]
Carl Richards‘ latest sketch, on the hazards of chasing the hot funds: In his newsletter, Richards recognizes why we’re susceptible to this error: We’ve been told over and over by the traditional financial services industry to look for the best investment. In our search for the best we often use […]
Social media, repetitive media, high-frequency trading and more… Hedge Fund is betting that Twitter is Wall Street’s Crystal Ball – Robert Andrews, PaidContent.org Sharp rise in financial pros using social media for news – IR Web Report You are reading the same article over and over again – Joshua Brown, […]
CreditLoan presents this fascinating infographic comparing both corporate and personal tax rates around the world. Now we wait for an infographic showing the mass migration from Denmark to Switzerland!
Zack Miller is Covestor’s Head of Business Development. In his podcast below, Zack speaks with Theresa Hamacher and Bob Pozen, authors of a new book on the mutual fund industry. Mutual funds have introduced millions of Americans to investing in the stock market. While their popularity and usage may have […]
Private Equity investor Chris Douvos has been watching a lot of Indiana Jones movies with his kid. In his current fave, The Last Crusade, Douvos finds in the three tests Indy has to pass to obtain the Holy Grail some essential lessons for investors: Challenge #1: The Breath of God… […]
The folks at GOOD collected a sample of gas prices from throughout the industrialized Western world in this infographic: Here are some more countries, via the Gasoline-Germany site: Afghanistan: $8.04 Bolivia: $2.26 Brazil: $5.99 China: $4.47 Greenland: $7.14 Hong Kong: $7.67 India: $4.57 (for 91 octane, on July 14, 2010) […]