Author: Chris Dixon It is widely believed that Facebook presents a significant competitive threat to Google (Nasdaq: GOOG). Google itself seems to believe this – Larry Page recently said that all employees would have their bonuses tied to the success of Google’s social strategy. Why does Facebook present a threat […]
TechRice has an informative update on Sina (Nasdaq: SINA), Tencent and Sohu (Nasdaq: SOHU) and the race to capture the social networking sector in China’s massive internet user base: Sina Weibo launched two new domain names (URL) and (Open API Platform & WAP address), which should help Sina dominate […]
Buffett rightly noted, his “contributions have been extraordinary.” Second, we think much of the widespread criticism directed at Sokol regarding his stock
Matthew Yglesias (at right), Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, is frustrated, and for good reason. Yglesias was considering investing some of his 401(k) for retirement in John Hancock’s International Value Fund, a mutual fund available within his employer’s plan. Of course, one of the things Yglesias […]
There are three essential follow up posts to the New York Times article that dropped like a bombshell on General Electric (NYSE: GE) when it claimed GE did not pay any income tax on its $5.1 billion in profits last year. First up, Allan Sloan and Jeff Gerth from ProPublica […]
Michael Pollock has a good article in today’s WSJ on the difficulty of relying on the standard metrics for mutual fund performance: If you’re trying to decide what mutual fund to buy, all sorts of rankings and performance figures are easily available. And you should look at most of them […]
Update: Kansas, class act veteran journalist, writes in to acknowledge the mistaken description of the ProShares ETF. Dave Kansas makes some good points in his WSJ article today on the latest batch of “specific, complex, risky” ETFs, but this is not among them: Conversely, the ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 (SDS), […]
Here’s a really interesting tidbit from a man who knows both Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) and Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) platforms intimately from a business perspective. Bob Bowman is the head of, major league baseball’s very successful digital business. In a Q&A with Peter Kafka of AllThingsD, Bowman had this to […]
Another great sketch from Carl Richards: From Richards’ newsletter accompanying the sketch: We love control. You name it, we’d probably prefer to control it. But from the weather to our kids, there are limits to what we can control, and in no place is this more clear than our finances… […]
From CNBC this morning, here’s Berkshire Hathaway’s (NYSE: BRK.A) departing executive David Sokol. Money quote: “Knowing today what I know, what I would do differently is I just would never have mentioned it to Warren, and just made my own investment and left it alone.” Prediction: We haven’t heard the […]
Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas upgraded Tesla Motors (Nasdaq: TSLA) this morning in a big way – with a $70 price target, and a bull case scenario that the stock goes to $135/share, which is more than 400% up from here. It’s a 50 page research note, where Jonas says […]