The good folks at Motley Fool say the smart money is on Apple staying above the $600 mark from here. I agree in spirit, but see a lower price support.
Buying momentum stocks sure worked in the tech boom years. And it still does, says Mark Hulbert -- as long as you buy when volatility is low.
An interesting Q&A in this weekend's Barron's with William Hambrecht, whose firm underwrote Google's unusual dutch auction IPO in 2004.
Amazon will take a big step forward in its platform strategy with the release of its own branded smartphone. Google remains behind.
Real estate has not only bottomed, it's arguably booming. That may be working to the benefit of several Covestor investment managers and their models.
The market reaction to this Friday’s disappointing jobs report could be a bigger deal than usual, based on Jeffrey Saut’s latest analysis.
The cyclical bull market is approaching "old man age". That's potentially bad news given that the market has grown complacent again.
No Covestor managers have purchased General Motors in the past 30 days, even though shares are trading just a sliver above book value.
Gold is an asset bubble and it's already starting to burst, says risk management expert Mark T. Williams.
It could be potentially good news for the S&P 500 if investment manager Ben Dickey is correct with his 2012 oil projection.
Mac market share is still low, but Apple is by far the top mobile PC shipment brand if you include tablets in the mix, according to DisplaySearch data.