The euro's decline to a two-year low is holding back corporate earnings and it may continue to do so, say Covestor managers.
There are now questions at the Fed as to whether QE3 would even be effective, based on the FOMC minutes, says Dividend and Income Plus manager Bill DeShurko.
It's sometimes hard to conceptualize the difference between these two very large investing figures. Here's some help.
Sure, risk management and expected payoff are similar. But that's where a reasonable comparison ends.
Alcoa's report is being seen as sign of a troubled earnings season. Analysts that were slow to cut EPS targets across the board may be the bigger worry.
U.S. stocks are selling off for a fifth-straight day. The Fed minutes could be a catalyst, although stocks are not oversold and volatility remains low.
Don't fight the Fed in the gold market and especially not now, argues Chris Henwood of The Henwood Edge and a former trading VP at Goldman's J. Aron.
J.C. Parents, CMT is watching chip stocks as a leading indicator for other markets and perhaps the tech economy. And he likes what he sees.
A trio of Fed officials voiced the need for the Fed to do more to stimulate the economy following the weak Friday jobs report.
One particularly crummy Friday does not ruin the bullish picture for stocks, says Jeffrey Saut, equity strategist at Raymond James.
There was little in Alcoa's earnings to dispel the notion that it could be a difficult earnings season for many companies -- especially the industrials.