Since there are fewer than usual outside forces that could alter the market’s path, the motion, or inertia, could operate relatively unimpeded today.
Recent inflation data has been on the stronger side of expectations but this does not mean the Fed should pause easing.
Stocks were essentially unchanged last week as geopolitical tensions added some volatility to an otherwise quiet trading week.
Despite current challenges, China remains an investable market. However, long-term investors remain cautious.
As the Information Age morphs into the Automation Age, some market truisms that pass as common knowledge may not apply.
Two of the largest emerging markets take different paths, echoing their economic and demographic divergence.
The stability we’ve seen over the past week has faded, and natural flows will drive the market again.
The improved fundamentals and widening growth opportunities across the broader U.S. energy complex have enhanced the resilience of this once scorned sector.