Happiness Is … Caring

By: Neerja Caprihan

So, the International Day of Happiness1 just went by.

We know the Nordic countries scored high2 in the World Happiness Report rankings, yet again. It isn’t rocket science to figure out why. It all boils down to a simple word.


They have administrations that care. Societies that care. Welfare systems that care. In short, people that care. Care about things that truly matter at the end of a day, and the difference that makes is for the world to see, year after year. 

When the priorities are clear, the basics are in place, and the necessities are taken care of, it’s all one truly needs. Baloo nailed this3 in popular imagination several decades ago. And the heart-warming ‘Happiness is’ cartoon4 series are splashed across anything from printed media like books and greeting cards, to household items like crockery and linen. Their enduring popularity proves that happiness often stems from the most simple things. Whatever our differences, the basic ingredients of a good life for humans, that in turn trigger contentment and joy, are still the same across continents.

So what makes YOU happy? Fundamentally, the following should cover off most points:

  • Friends, family, relationships
  • Care, love, respect
  • Health, safety, stability
  • Wealth, conveniences, luxuries… and then some more
  • Dreams, hobbies, finding your calling

And what you aspire for, every single day, is to

  • Make time to get the above
  • Try to balance all of the above

Now if you are looking for a little piece of everything, you are not the only one. We can help you in your quest though! We offer a range of investment options that are thoughtfully curated and carefully managed, to help you achieve enough peace of mind and importantly – time to get on with everything else that makes you happy. The quality of our product set, modest pricing, and steadfast service represent care, expressed financially.

This word art shows all the S-adjectives that describe Interactive Advisors

Financial Care: The Interactive Advisors way 5

As your partner in an investing journey, Interactive Advisors embodies a few basic precepts – we continue to be simple, smart and steady. As our tagline reads, we make sure you invest to live, not live to invest. Give us a try today and see for yourself. 

PHOTO CREDIT: https://www.shutterstock.com/g/BlackSalmon



  1. https://www.un.org/en/observances/happiness-day
  2. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/worlds-happiest-countries-2025-wellness/index.html
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BH-Rxd-NBo
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness_Is_(cartoon)
  5. Created via wordart


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