Economic policy worries are now greater than the aftermath of September 11, the start of either Gulf War, and close to the heights of the financial crisis.
QE3 could come as soon as next month, if you read the tea leaves of this week’s FOMC minutes. Here are the three key sentences in the statement.
The Congressional Budget Office warns that the U.S. economy could plunge over the fiscal cliff Thelma and Louise style. Can a subsequent stock crash be avoided?
Confidence is so high and fear so low that investors may have become too complacent and susceptible to unforeseen market shocks.
Market bets are rising this week that Europe could embark on a major bond-buying program with potential implications for U.S. stocks. Here's what could happen:
Doubleline Capital founder Jeff Gundlach suggests laggard China stocks relative to the U.S. beg for a pairs trade. Yet here's another spin on that idea.
Peter Thiel, one of Facebook’s earliest and best-known investors just cashed out most of his stake -- another potential warning sign for the company's stock.
Should you care that Apple is now the most valuable company ever? Here are 5 reasons why it matters, even if you don't own the stock directly.
Plunging Chinese stocks amid the U.S. rally are not a doom signal: Instead, they could be a sign to soon buy the Shanghai, says investment manager Mike Arold.
Strategist Jeffrey Saut knows all the bearish arguments. Yet he says inflation is more likely than deflation, which should keep the S&P 500 in rally mode.
Stocks are rallying broadly and approaching 4-year highs, although there are three reasons to soon think about making more defensive investments.