Facebook is now on watch and could be dropped to a failing grade for corporate governance by GMI Ratings.
Copper prices continue to move sideways -- one sign that the U.S. economy is hanging in there, and is not on the precipice of collapse.
Samsung enjoys the upper hand in China’s smartphone market, which is set to overtake the US as the world’s biggest later in the year.
Three widely used economic figures are not good at predicting where the U.S. economy is headed next, says BlackRock's Russ Koesterich. Here are two that work:
Low market volume may say less about the quality of rallies and more about the disadvantage of very large investment funds that have lost their nimbleness.
Dr. Doom is out with his gloomiest message yet: This time he says the odds of a global recession are “100!”
Gold prices reached a four-month high late this week amid speculation as to whether the metal could move even higher if more economic stimulus is announced.
The U.S. middle class suffered the worst decade in modern history, based on the latest Pew research. Age played a role in who likely took the biggest wage hit.
It’s not a pipe dream: Energy independence is possible in the U.S., and it could put the country on the path to prosperity.
Bullish investor sentiment has nearly doubled in the past month. It’s one signal that the strong market rally may be starting to run out of gas.