At Interactive Advisors we pride ourselves on making investing easy and transparent by offering a menu of low-cost, diversified portfolios customized for your needs and risk tolerance.
Our technology is always working for you, monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio.
We’re are starting to get noticed.
In a new ranking by Investopedia of financial technology and automated investing services, Interactive Advisors was chosen as the best robo-advisor for sustainable investing and portfolio construction.
Interactive Advisors, a service offered by the Interactive Brokers Group (IBKR), received a 4.5 out of 5-star score for overall service.

“In its 2020 review of online investing platforms, Investopedia analyzed more than 20 robo-advisors, evaluating their user experience, goal-setting capabilities, portfolio construction, costs and fees, security, mobile experience, and customer service.
You can check out the full robo-advisor rating methodology for the details. Here’s Investopedia’s key takeaway:
“Interactive Advisors, a service offered by Interactive Brokers (IBKR), offers among the widest range of securities to choose from, in addition to placing a special emphasis on socially responsible investing products. That’s why we have named it the best for both portfolio construction and sustainable investing.
Interactive Advisors also offers a variety of price points appealing to customers at all levels. At the lower end of the cost scale, you will find rules-based automated portfolios from the firm’s Smart Beta (0.08% management fee), Diversified (0.20%), and Asset Allocation models (0.12%), while actively managed portfolios run by money managers are at the higher end of the range (0.50% to 1.5%).
Portfolios invested according to ESG strategies, including some of the Smart Beta portfolios, are marked in the list with a green leaf. Existing IBKR customers can partition a portion of their existing portfolios and invest in one (or more) of those offered.
The portfolio selection process has been enhanced with a series of questions in plain English. If you click on “Explore Portfolios” you can go through choices such as, “How can I invest in undervalued companies?” and “How can I invest in Smart Beta portfolios with a social edge?”
If you choose Socially Responsible Investing, you can block individual firms and groups of firms that do not share your values.
There is a tool that helps you understand the cost of excluding companies that do not share your values. The freed-up cash is invested in the rest of the portfolio.”
Investopedia organized its analysis into nine categories, scoring each robo advisor across multiple variables to rate performance in every applicable category. The score for the overall award was the weighted average of the categories.

We will continue to innovate to help you meet your investing goals. Your account is transparent to you and controlled by you. At the same time, we provide client support to help you make the most informed decisions possible.
Welcome to the future of investing.
Photo Credit: misha_tokyo via Flickr Creative Commons
Disclosure: Rankings and recognition from Investopedia are no guarantee of future investment success and do not ensure that a current or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance results and such rankings should not be construed as an endorsement.
Investopedia concluded the rating on September 10, 2020, after evaluating more than 20 robo-advisor platforms. Investopedia’s proprietary evaluation system rates robo-advisors based on nine key categories and 51 variables. Each category covers the critical elements users need to thoroughly evaluate a robo-advisor. The rating was updated on October 5, 2020. Compensation has not been provided by or on behalf of Interactive Advisors. For more information about the rating, please visit: For more information about the ranking methodology, please visit: