The Island Light Global ETF Portfolios are designed to participate in global economic equity growth with downside protection from excessive volatility. Strategies Introducing the Island Light Global ETF portfolios
The stock market is getting scarier. But that could bring opportunities for value investors. Outlook Looking in the scary places for value
The decline I see is driven by deflationary price action to counterbalance the Federal Reserve’s printing of money. Strategies Deflationary forces set to push the market lower
What keeps us awake at night still is the drama that could unfold in Europe this summer. Strategies Don’t try to time this chaotic market
I like investing in retailers because you can keep your finger on their pulse by visiting their stores. Strategies Researching retail stocks the old fashioned way
It's the fourth CEO in five years at Yahoo (YHOO), and yet maybe -- just maybe -- the outlook is not so bad. Outlook A relative chart view of Yahoo
The most watched market chart is breaking down. Yet there's reason to think it may out-gain the S&P 500 at some point soon. Outlook Put gold, commodities on your radar
While the bank looks sloppy now, it may have a pretty clean operating record moving forward with a fear-factor playing a big part. Strategies JP Morgan will be fine, as GE was after Immelt’s …
The market thinks a Greek return to the drachma is inevitable. Here are four contrarian thoughts amid the doom and gloom. Outlook What if the Greece doomsayers are wrong?
Some advice for Mark Zuckerberg as he takes his baby public this week. Strategies Facebook’s pointless IPO fear
Scott Rothbort adds color to his new Covestor portfolio, which fills "what we believe is a huge void in the market - the Need to Feed." Archive The Need to Feed: LakeView’s new Restaurants & Food Chain …
The fund manager sees a particularly hostile "exhaustion syndrome" that has been a hallmark of the worst market outcomes in recent decades. Outlook Hussman: The market’s ‘dancing on the edge of a cliff’