Oceanic Capital Management's analysis begins with prudent asset allocations, then uses economic and fundamental analysis to target specific positions.
Monthly Archives: June 2011
Check out Green Valley Wealth Advisors LLC, one of Covestor's newest model managers. They use quantitative, thematic and contrarian investment methods.
Questions on the laptop from Fabrice Tourre, written about by New York Times' Louse Story and Gretchen Morgenson.
Sprint Nextel was purchased because of bullish fundamentals and technicals. The macro fundamentals for the financial services sector remains negative in the near term due to continued high unemployment
Editor’s note: As of 9/20/11 Lucas Krupinski no longer manages a Covestor model Lucas Krupinski manages Covestor’s Small Cap Fundamentals model, which seeks to generate returns through a variety of methods including holding long term positions, trading around short term positions and seeking exposure to investments that generate current income. Krupinski recently […]
Average Man Lived an Adventurous Life, which details his life travels through more than 125 countries. He also manages Covestor's Opportunistic and Adventurous
Solar, Inc. was now available for public trading landed in my inbox. It's currently trading under the symbol (PINK: PSWWD.PK) but will transition to PSWW.PK on