Consider this: Electricity generated from natural gas now equals power generated from coal-fired power plants.
Tyler Kocon
Domestically produced shale oil is quickly becoming less and less attractive from a price standpoint compared to foreign produced oil.
The potential output from the Bakken formation is unprecedented in relation to the U.S. energy industry.
As the economy recovers and American consumers are starting to spend again, it stands to reason that vehicle purchases could be on the rise.
The four major U.S. carriers are locked in a cutthroat, all-or-nothing competition with no clear winner in sight, and the handset makers are no more attractive.
FedEx has more room to grow and less debt, but UPS has a much larger dividend and greater market share.
Sometimes, the easiest way to make an active trade is to take a look around and observe what’s happening in your world.
Is there buried treasure in your back yard? There could be if you live in northern North Dakota or Montana. For the rest of us, there are these stocks.