John King
The markets remain overwhelmingly positive, with our ETF composite at 95.34% positive and the DJIA components at 86.67% in our system’s assessment. It is always good policy to realize that when stocks reach a point where there is little left to the upside, to look for signs of a slow-down. […]
Increased consumption, lower business expenses and consistent tax rules will get the economy going again. None of that is happening right now.
Research shows that major debt retrenchments come with a protracted period of low GDP growth - 1.5% below normal.
That Bernanke & Friends continue to ply their plans means that we will probably be in this quagmire for years to come.
Central bankers have been succumbing to Keynesian counterfeiting since it became all the rage in the 1930s.
If the Fed decides to test the durability of its policies once again, we may be in for another correction of 20% or more.
Investing and even non-investing voters are being gradually and systematically anesthetized to the risks and consequences of Fed and Treasury policies.