Monthly Archives: October 2011
In a rare public appearance by Eddie Lampert, the famed hedge fund manager clashes with Larry Summers over the value of long-term investing and thinking.
Neither the earnings discussion nor the possibility of a hard landing in China have found their way into mainstream media yet, which is concerning.
Bob Gay is founder of Global Equity Analytics and Research Services [GEARS]. He manages 4 investment models on Covestor.
Lewis finds at the heart of the economic crisis nothing less than a moral and intellectual breakdown from the very beacons of western civilization.
I am comfortable continuing with my 100% cash position at this time, pending a clearer view of earnings prospects and a possible improvement in my sentiment indicators.
I was recently asked to explain my selling methodology. Let me highlight a couple of points on this topic.
Is there buried treasure in your back yard? There could be if you live in northern North Dakota or Montana. For the rest of us, there are these stocks.