Do you own a power drill? Are you not a professional handyman? So here’s the deal: pulling the trigger on your wireless, 2-speed, high-torque Bosch does feel awesome, but on average that bad boy gets a grand total of just 12 minutes of use in its entire lifetime. If you could safely […]
Tom Morgan of has a new graphic timeline called Tracking the Global Recession. One unique aspect of it: By using the links alongside each headline, you can find more detail about that particular event – however, rather than use traditional news sources, we’ve linked to quality blogs that reported on […]
The good folks at GOOD have produced this graphic to show government subsidies for different energy sources: The goal, as GOOD describes it, is to show how government policies “favor some types of energy over others, giving our country a skewed sense of what each gallon of gas or wind-powered […]
The key moment in this chart is in 2008, when the red ‘All Other’ goes negative. That means that there was no money available in the private sector to fuel business activity. From Global Macro Monitor: If, as the President says, ‘the flow of credit is the lifeblood of our […]
Volkswagen’s Fun Theory Award is dedicated to the idea that “fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better.” This year’s winner, Kevin Richardson, came up with a brilliant approach to lowering driving speeds that was actually turned into reality on a Stockholm throroughfare. Richardson’s idea was to […]
Another good effort to visually explain the credit crisis that led to the 2008 meltdown, but I think Jonathan Jarvis’ The Crisis of Credit retains its crown as the top animation for this all important story.
On the interior, a fabric twenty dollar bill is printed permanently inside so the owner always has money. via » about | Is Not Broke Recession Proof Wallet Co..
The New York Times Magazine published a big Roger Lowenstein cover piece on JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon. Some reactions: Simon Johnson: “in every significant detail it confirms that Mr. Dimon is now – without question – our most dangerous banker.” My biggest problem with Lowenstein’s piece is that he never […]