Has the financial crisis, combined with the explosion of social media and broadband, changed how young adults think about money and value? Are new systems of wealth generation and abundance now feasible? What does the future hold for banks and other financial institutions as peer to peer exchange gains traction?
Amazon released some 2010 and holiday sales data this morning. Among the results [added]: On the peak day this season, Amazon’s worldwide fulfillment network shipped over 9 million units across all product categories. [That’s 104 items/second.]
Julia Roberts was reportedly paid about $1.5m for this 45 second spot for Lavazza. That’s $250k per smile.
Legend has it that Picasso was once sitting in a Paris café when an admirer approached and asked if he would do a quick sketch on a paper napkin.
James Flora serves 28 types of Michigan craft beer in his establishment, and he has a novel method of determining the price for each:
RSA Journal has an interview with behavioral economist Dan Arielli that contains this interesting finding: many US states prohibit people from using their mobile phones to send text messages while they are driving, yet accident rates have actually gone up in these states because the new law has prompted people […]
Setting the financial crisis to music – from the FT’s Frederick Studeman and Julian Anderson, composer in residence at the London Philharmonic Orchestra. One big challenge Anderson faced was how to capture September, 2008: One obvious way to symbolise the moment of crash is a dull, almighty thud; another, a […]
It’s become a yearly tradition for the folks at PNC to figure out how much it would cost to buy each of the gifts in the carol “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Here are this year’s results – complete with an interactive pop-up book accompanied by PNC’s Jim Dunigan’s lovely Mid-Atlantic accent. […]
WePay pored over some academic papers, Consumer Reports, and trade group publications to produce a helpful infographic on the behavioral economics of holiday gift giving. It’s interesting that an unused AMC Theaters gift card has a higher secondary market value (just 20% down) than one from 1-800 Flowers (30% off) – […]