A Rose to Realize and a Rose to Raise

By: Neerja Caprihan

Right on the heels of World Day of Social Equality comes the International Women’s Day1.

Why should we care? This one is self-explanatory though. It’s not about a battle of sexes and trying to prove the superiority of one over another. It’s simply about acknowledging, in an objective way, that the world does not offer a fair deal to women in a shockingly large number of societies.

History has proved it, and sociology continues to show it. They end up being the victims of most issues that plague very many societies in villages and cities alike. For every community that has faced any kind of exploitation or discrimination or bullying, the women amongst them are the ones that receive the short end of each such stick. As it happens, the womenfolk that hail from the conservative societies of third world countries are double-marginalised in that sense.

The narratives in the advanced nations are not always remarkable either. Some women have risen, sometimes with a significant prop-up by her support systems, and sometimes despite all challenges. Everyone’s story is different. But broadly speaking, from political circles to corporate environments, the rise of women comes with an unwarranted share of biases and challenges. Their way up in any field isn’t exactly peppered with rosebuds. The land has to be made fertile in the first place, and thorns removed. Any rose blooms are therefore hard-earned. 

And to continue the garden analogy, they don’t mind a harsh sun, but lack of water will slowly kill them. Women’s Day is about contributing to ploughing and watering that land, consciously and steadily. Such days serve as reminders to help us realize that the struggles of womenkind are multifaceted, and ongoing. It’s not just enough to call out double standards towards women empowerment on several fronts. Every little helps here as well. Every little support and empathy. Lend a hand so we rise and bloom together as a society. 

Happy Women’s Day from Interactive Advisors.

PHOTO CREDIT: https://www.shutterstock.com/g/vladimir+salman


Footnotes and Sources

1 https://www.un.org/en/observances/womens-day


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