Here comes the sun

By: Neerja Caprihan

Did you know that the Oxford Word of the Year in 2019 was ‘Climate emergency’? The years may have advanced but the frantic echoes of climate emergency still make for a tragic song, and one that is climbing the charts steadily. 

“The world is facing a grave climate emergency. Climate disruption is happening now, and it is happening to all of us…We are in a battle for our lives. But it is a battle we can win…Let us accelerate the transformation the world needs, and usher in a new era of sustainability for all people on the planet.” – António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations.1

The world just experienced one of its hottest days 2 last month. When the Beatles sang their iconic song 3, one can be certain that this was not what they meant. Much as we celebrate the record-making or record-breaking triumphs of our athletes at the Olympics, climate ravages do not really make for the kinds of pleasing records anyone likes to see broken. There is hardly a country that hasn’t been affected by scorching temperatures, or torrential rains, or massive floods, or crumbling landslides, or raging fires and several such catastrophes. Each such disaster leaves unspoken human horrors and endless losses in its wake. 

Despite its shortcomings and detractors, the Paris Agreement 4 at least set the tone for a semblance of consensus between nations to commit to taking action on this front. The same French capital is now in news for setting a precedent in hosting the Summer Olympics with noteworthy sustainability measures. As they employ innovative ways to mingle sports with sustainability 5, the rest of the world takes sides in passing judgment. Truth be told, we all know that by virtue of the sheer scale, nature and popularity of the event, having a fool-proof, eco-friendly approach is almost impossible. The only way to do it better is to possibly not do it at all. Then there would also be no emission issues, triggered by the traveling and touring multitudes of athletes, delegations and spectators. But where would that leave the international sporting community, that holds the much-needed promise and inspiration, for better humans and a better world?

So yes, the organizers’ thoughts certainly count. As do their laudable efforts towards action – be it in big decisions like the use of renewable energy and extended plant cover or in the small details like cardboard beds and seashell walkways. It matters to the world today that someone, somewhere, some years ago, felt that the committee had to keep environmental concern and sustainability as guiding principles, and decided to do something meaningful about it. These Olympics are then ushering in a new era of optimism in event organization with the suggestion that social responsibility is not just a topic of conversation amongst sharply-dressed leaders in boardrooms. It is a concern for us all – the athlete and the spectator, the host and the guest, the state and the citizens, the world and its people, you and me. So what are we waiting for? 

On our part, we take great pride in our socially responsible offerings as we seek to empower you to make more conscious investment decisions. It is our belief that by incorporating ESG factors into investment decision-making, investors can sensitize and incentivize companies towards better practices. We have various easy, transparent and low cost ways for you to express your values as you aspire to become a socially-conscious investor. Towards that end, Interactive Advisors offers a vast range of portfolios – a world of possibilities under the sun. In other words one could say, to circle back to the topic of sun, everything under the sun! Explore them here, and simply get investing. 










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