A sixth sense

By: Neerja Caprihan

Earlier this August, one of the most riveting psychological thrillers ever, the movie ‘The Sixth Sense’ 1 celebrated its 25th anniversary. All those who are familiar with the movie will agree that its intriguing premise and mesmerizing scenes are difficult to forget. It was a formidable addition to a body of masterful works wherein plots involve a twist in the tale. When the movie was conceived, perhaps it was only the team’s sixth sense that would have foretold them about how thunderously well it was about to do, as it went on to raise the bar of expectations high for the genre.

That said, sixth sense is not just a cool cinematic theme. It is way more profound. The world of sports has always been replete with stories of extraordinary courage, charisma, fortitude and resilience. The recently concluded Paris Summer Olympics was no different. A good number of inspirational stories regularly made it to front pages of most newspapers even as their stars trended on online searches. A small but significant narrative celebrating the sublime faculty of sixth sense and the indomitable human spirit was here 2.

Sixth sense, or intuition, or gut-feeling, is difficult to explain. But it continues to manifest and astound us in a number of lived experiences. It drives split-second decisions that can have far-reaching, and often life-changing, consequences. It can help identify both, a lurking threat or a potential opportunity. The powers and effects of intuition can script history for individuals. Consider these – a pilot making a landing decision in inclement weather, a footballer taking that penalty, a sniper taking a well-rehearsed shot, a business tycoon faced with a critical decision, a traveler journeying through a strange land…the list is endless. Along the way, it continues to provide exciting ideas for books and movies.

We may not have realized it but most of us may have experienced the uncanny and enigmatic nature of a sixth sense at some point. Though it might have been in manners so subconscious and ways so trivial, that we would be hard-pressed to explicitly recall the occasions. Our intuition could be about our surroundings, work, relationships, people, things, activities, events, anything at all. It makes up that elusive realm between mines of data and experiences of humans that artificial intelligence can never fathom or conquer. It remains fascinating and yet, inexplicable. It can be attributed to one’s faith in a higher power. It can be a matter of careful cultivation and mindful training. It can be a heightened awareness of self and the world around us. But you “can’t stop the feeling”, as Justin Timberlake might say. And a good thing that is too.

Along the same lines, the seasoned inhabitants of the investment world also develop a sixth sense over a period of time. In areas like business, finance, investing and trading, there is no dearth of numerical data, analytical tools, and documented trajectories – triumphant or otherwise, of firms, people, instruments and markets available at fingertips. Amidst such a climate of information explosion, an astute investor or advisor capitalizes on the gut feeling that gradually comes with the underlying network made up of reliable data, robust knowledge and varied experience. If we use all these powers judiciously in a balanced way, we can achieve desirable goals. 

At Interactive Advisors, we have been bringing together our collective intuition, knowledge and experience for the past 15+ years now. Join us as a manager or a client, and bring yours too! A large range of contemporary offerings continues to be a testament to our insightful approach in providing exceptional robo-advisory services.

PHOTO CREDIT: https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Erce






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