At Interactive Advisors, we strive to make investing easy and transparent to save you time and money.
We provide low-cost access to well-diversified portfolios using data from industry-leading providers and our own investment team as well as a curated selection of talented investment managers who have a mandate to pursue enhanced returns.
And we never stop innovating.

Here are some highlights from 2020:
Investopedia ranked Interactive Advisors top robo advisor in the sustainable investing and portfolio construction categories.
We launched 13 new socially responsible portfolios built around impact values and principles including Clean Air, Pure Water, Ocean Life, Land Health, Consumer Safety, Ethical Leadership, Gender Equality, Racial Equality, LGBTQ Inclusion, Company Transparency, Sustainable Product Lifecycle, Mindful Business Models and Fair Labor & Thriving Communities.
We now also allow clients to select socially responsible portfolios based on the categories above or use exclusion groups to avoid investments in companies that do not share their values. We continue to let you exclude single stocks and automatically apply those exclusions to all your investments.
We enhanced our Goal Tracker tool, which lets you set and track goals and define a timeline for achieving them. The tracking tool also shows you the likelihood of achieving your goals and helps you see your progress.
In 2021 and beyond, we will continue to look for ways to help you meet your financial goals.
Photo Credit: Pictures of Money via Flickr Creative Commons
1) Investopedia concluded the rating on September 10, 2020, after evaluating more than 20 robo-advisor platforms. Investopedia’s proprietary evaluation system rates robo-advisors based on nine key categories and 51 variables. Each category covers the critical elements users need to thoroughly evaluate a robo-advisor. The rating was updated on October 5, 2020. Compensation has not been provided by or on behalf of Interactive Advisors. For more information about the rating, please visit here. For more information about the ranking methodology, please visit here. Rankings and recognition from Investopedia are no guarantee of future investment success and do not ensure that a current or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance results and such rankings should not be construed as an endorsement.