Lately we feel like we are stuck in the Seinfield episode where everything is upside down, good is bad and right is wrong.
Monthly Archives: December 2011
I'm getting increasingly interested in News Corp’s voting stock, as I am seeing some near-term catalysts that may increase the value.
Sometimes, the easiest way to make an active trade is to take a look around and observe what’s happening in your world.
If you want to buy shares of the Green Bay Packers, only do so if you are a fan. It is not a good investment.
Third quarter financial statements suggest that the recovery leadership is shifting from consumer durables spending to capital goods spending.
Profit margins are at almost disturbingly high levels but without some revenue growth and investment, it's meaningless.
If you’re inclined to tumble around in those turbulent waters, go for it. But that’s precisely what we don’t want to do.
According to our work, in the past Malaysia has been a leading tell of shifts toward emerging market equity outperformance.
To borrow what Winston Churchill said about the Americans, “European politicians will do the right thing after exhausting all other options.”