With global tensions rising, I doubt President Obama will be able to cut even 1% of the core defense budget in 2013.
The question to ask, I think, is “If I were a ground squirrel just awakened from hibernation, would I like valuations today?”
Market indices have had a good run in January and many stocks are breaking out to new 52-week highs.
Investors can still make a decent profit under these conditions, assuming they choose investments wisely and pay a reasonable price.
Now that the US is starting to recover, it is the European debt crisis that is pressuring stock prices.
When reviewing performance and strategy for my portfolio, I always look at what is happening to the overall market.
With several possible sinkholes visible around the globe, we will still be looking for downside protection.
Overall, we are optimistic about the progress being made on the economic front, based on increasingly heartening economic news.
At this time, the most important fundamentals to consider for mortgage real estate investment trusts are prepayment rates and interest rates.
The four major U.S. carriers are locked in a cutthroat, all-or-nothing competition with no clear winner in sight, and the handset makers are no more attractive.