Our favorite investments are undervalued wide economic moat businesses that typically sell products or services that have fairly predictable demand in both good and bad times.
An important question for investors is whether the lower historical returns from May through October are likely to be repeated in the future.
Adobe has been remaking its strategy and will soon be shipping the next version of its flagship product Creative Suite 6.
Some readers questioned whether that portfolio was truly conservative, and none of the three components was spared.
Mike Arold, Covestor's manager of the Technical Swing model, says the dollar will provide cues for major moves in the stock market.
Let me run you through my analysis for this trade, which should give a good blueprint of how I approach investing.
In mid-May, Liz will change its name and stock ticker to Fifth & Pacific (FNP) and may become one of the top retail stocks during 2012.
Tesla has never produced a vehicle under its own power. This will be its first and probably only shot at success.