GOOD took recently released census data and created this map to show the link between education level and income – click through for larger version: The color combinations tell the story, as Cliff Kuang of FastCo Design explains: If a county is, say, orange… that’s a combination of yellow and […]
Walk down the drinks aisle in an American supermarket and you encounter a broad wall stacked high with hundreds of varieties of colorful liquid bearing dozens of brands. So much to choose from! But this seeming diversity is misleading at the business level. Just three companies – Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and […]
Undergraduate yearly tuition at Yale is now $49,800 and at Berkeley it’s $35,000 (out of state), but you can skip that and the keg parties and audit some of these fine institutions’ most interesting courses online for free. Open Culture editor Dan Colman aggregates links to free online university courses […]
Detroit’s economic decline and urban decay are well documented, but here’s a fresh, alternative window to the city, where inspiring young entrepreneurs see a blank canvas to explore new ideas and business. Palladium Boots produced this video (in three parts below) featuring musicians, new restaurant owners, artists, urban farmers and […]
Here’s a November, 2010 talk at MIT from Charles Ferguson, who directed the outstanding film about Wall Street and the credit crisis Inside Job. There’s a long introduction and ongoing tech difficulties at the start – skip to Ferguson’s actual beginning at the 8:00 mark: A pull quote: What occurred […]
Lee Eisenberg, former editor-in-chief of Esquire, wrote a book on Americans and shopping. As part of his research, Eisenberg investigated the conventional belief that “women shop, while men buy.” Here’s what he found on that and other differences in male versus female shopping:
The terrific public radio show This American Life tackles this week what host Ira Glass calls “the most stoner question we’ve ever posed: ‘What Is Money?'” Along they way they enter the bowels of the Federal Reserve, learn why Brazil created a fake currency, and consider what giant stone coins […]
The data and chart are from the United Nations. Bill Luby adds some detail on the rising prices: Among the various sub-indices, the most dramatic increase has been seen in sugar, which is up 51% in just four months and is up a staggering 239% over the course of the […]
The good folks at Marketplace decided to pick up where the WSJ left off a couple years ago and restart man-on-the-street ‘what’s in your wallet?’ videos (WSJ did Charles Barkley, among others). Here’s their first effort: What’s in Your Wallet: Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles from Marketplace on Vimeo.
The new $100 bill has overcome its initial difficulties and is now out and about. Here’s the official, dramatic unveiling video from the Treasury:
That’s the total expected cost of the Iraq war, according to Joseph Stiglitz. How can you even grasp such gigantic numbers, which are thrown around daily to quantify government debt, the credit crisis and international policy measures? To help, graphic designer David McCandless created this animation in the format of the […]