Closed End Fund Advisors
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Closed-End Fund Advisors (CEFA) is a 25 year-old registered investment advisory firm founded in 1989 that specializes in closed-end fund (CEF) and business development company (BDC) research and trading. To our knowledge, we are the only data collector in the CEF/BDC sector that is also a professional investment manager. We are in the fourth year of self-sourcing our CEF Universe data service and collect and produce about 175 data points per week for traditional CEFs and over 100 for BDCs as well as offer a Daily News and SEC Filings Alert Service for CEFs/BDCs. We manage nine portfolio models based on various growth and income needs: International Opportunity, Diversified Growth, Growth & Income, Hybrid Income, Foundation/Balanced, Conservative Diversified, Special Opportunities, Municipal Bond and Business Development Company. We also do limited data project and consulting work for individual investors, other investment professionals and CEF/BDC fund sponsors.