Today you may notice on the site that the number of performance stars you have has changed slightly. This is the result of a bug fix spotted by a couple of members, whereby we weren't accurately updating the stars given changes to their historic transactions. The performance stars are […]
The Covestor site will be down this evening for scheduled site maintenance from 2.30-5.30am EST. Email us if you have any urgent requests in this period. Apologies in advance for the inconvenience
Following on from our previous post about our partnership with, today we put live the functionality to allow you to have your posts featured on their site. This should be a great way to build your following on Covestor, and your profile as a commentator across the web. […]
Covestor is great place to follow the meltdown in the US financial system this week as a number of Members are posting their views on what has been happening and where they think this is likely to go. To find out what great self investors are doing with their own […]
Following on from our recent post about sharing your trades on Twitter, you can now also keep track of all member commentary by following Covestors' own feed on Twitter! The feed contains the commentary that members are posting to the site, highlighting the member name, the associated stock (if there […]
A few updates to existing functionality have gone live today that you will notice across the site. A couple of the key ones to highlight for you: Member Search You can now search for members by user name as well as by browsing or using the keyword search. Select the […]
This weeks interview is with Covestor member and rising star Patrick Jo Smith. Patrick has a background in finance, now working as a venture capitalist in Colorado, and spends ten to fifteen hours a week actively managing his portfolio. Patrick has a dual investing approach, about half of his investments […]
We have updated the Alpha and Beta calculations today so thought we would take the opportunity to explain more about these measures and how we calculate them. One of our members had spotted a technical bug in the calculation, which you can find displayed on each members fact sheet. Simply […]
After a short break, the interview series with The Wall Street Transcript is back. This week’s interview is with Covestor member Paul Casimir, aka Yaktipper. Paul is an Internet programmer living in Wisconsin, who also blogs his investment activity on his own site Yakblog. Paul picked up his passion for […]
A new feature went live on Covestor this morning, allowing you to send live trade notifications directly to your Twitter feed. When you execute a trade with your broker you can now keep your followers on Twitter up to date, per the other members following you on Covestor. To use […]
Today we announced another great content sharing partnership, this time with the online service from the Financial Times, As part of the agreement, you will see that we have started displaying headlines from The Financial Times on all of our stock pages on Covestor. You will see examples on […]
From today anyone trading with Zecco can connect up their account to automatically import their trades. Simply select Zecco from the list of brokers when you choose to add your portfolio and your track record will automatically update. If, as a Zecco user, you have been sharing your activity on […]