At Interactive Advisors, our mission is to deliver low-cost, diversified portfolios customized to your needs and risk tolerance. To get there, we seek to employ the latest investing technology to monitor and rebalance your portfolio.
We also provide convenient ways for you to invest in companies that share your values in a world that faces some big challenges in the decades ahead, as we transition into a more sustainable global economy.
Investors are demanding more choice when it comes to Social Responsible Investing. This term is often used interchangeably with ESG (as in environment, social and governance) investing.
Transformative Impact
Whatever term you use, this is no short-term investing fad. The demand for sustainable corporate strategies and new green investing vehicles is having a transformational impact on global capital markets.
Global ESG assets under management are expanding at a 15% clip and are on track to exceed $53 trillion by 2025, according to an analysis by Bloomberg Intelligence.

Exchange-traded fund ESG assets are expected to surpass $190 billion by the end of 2021 and are powering about 13% of global ETF asset growth.
Delivering Results
Growing public awareness about the impact of climate change and environmental threats like the Covid-19 pandemic have contributed to the growth in ESG. The European Union and the United States are making government investments into green technology.
Just as importantly, though, sustainable investment products are proving that they can offer competitive, sometimes even market-beating returns.
At Interactive Advisors, we want to empower you to invest in the companies that align with your sustainability goals and offer easy, transparent and low-cost ways for investors to express their values in their portfolios.
Our Social Responsibility Investing platform offers 13 portfolio strategies, all of which have been available for more than a year as of July 20, that represent the green investing landscape.
Waterfront of Options
You can invest in companies focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions or developing alternative energy sources.
Other portfolios focus on social justice goals such as fair labor, gender and racial equality, as well as LGBTQ inclusion.
We’ve also developed smart beta strategies that take into account ESG factors while aiming to deliver competitive return and risk characteristics of large and mid-cap stocks.
Award Winning
Our technology gives you the power to also exclude the stocks of companies whose business practices you don’t support.
We can help you build custom indexes that exclude tobacco or fossil fuel companies or businesses that engage in animal testing or gun manufacturing.
In 2020, Interactive Advisors was cited by Investopedia for its Best Sustainable Investment offerings among robo-advisors. Investopedia concluded the rating on September 10, 2020, after evaluating more than 20 robo-advisor platforms. Investopedia’s proprietary evaluation system rates robo-advisors based on nine key categories and 51 variables.
Each category covers the critical elements users need to thoroughly evaluate a robo-advisor. The rating was updated on October 5, 2020. Compensation has not been provided by or on behalf of Interactive Advisors.
For more information about the rating, please visit here. For more information about the ranking methodology, please visit here. Rankings and recognition from Investopedia are no guarantee of future investment success and do not ensure that a current or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance results and such rankings should not be construed as an endorsement.
We pride ourselves at being at the forefront of investment. Click here to learn more about our Social Responsible Investment products.
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