What you need is the hole, not the drill

Do you own a power drill? Are you not a professional handyman? So here’s the deal: pulling the trigger on your wireless, 2-speed, high-torque Bosch does feel awesome, but on average that bad boy gets a grand total of just 12 minutes of use in its entire lifetime. If you could safely and easily either rent it out when you’re not using it or just give that time away to someone nearby who needs to hang a picture, wouldn’t you?

The internet is making that possible, as a number of innovative services capitalize on a natural coincidence of wants. Here’s a terrific 15-minute TED Talk from author Rachel Botsman on this movement toward what she calls collaborative consumption:

Here’s more on Botsman’s book and below some of the services she mentions, just in the car sharing realm:

– Ride sharing: Nuride, Zimride, GoLoCo

– Peer-to-peer car rental: Drive My Car, Relay Rides, Gettaround

What’s mine is yours…