Weekly Member Interview: Fred Penney

Following on from great press coverage in his native Newfoundland, this weeks Wall Street Transcript Interview is with Covestor member Fred Penney. Fred works as an engineer in the civil construction industry, and is also the author of stock blog Another Stock Blog.

Fred has been investing for around 20 years, and is a medium term investor. He focuses on small cap Canadian stocks, using filters to screen based on holding period.

In his interview Fred talks about the kind of stocks and ETFs he screens for, as well as sharing some of his criteria. He talks about the impact that the strong Canadian dollar is having on his investing – and highlights some of the books and people that have influenced his approach.

Fred tracks two different portfolios on Covestor, one of which has performed better than the other. He is a great contributor to Covestor and a disciplined investor. You can find the interview – as always – on the top right hand side of his fact sheet.