Tim Harford produced a brilliant one-scene dialogue between a father edifying his son on the eternal, universal power of compound interest and his confused offspring, seeking in vain the interest necessary to apply the principle. Excerpt: “I learnt about Albert Einstein.” “Aha! A fascinating fellow. And an economist, too, in […]
Chris Dixon points out one of the key reasons Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) became one of the great contemporary business success stories. There’s a lesson here for contrarian investors of any stripe. – – – When Google released its search engine in 1998, its search results were significantly better than its […]
Have a hard time waking up in the morning? Try this alarm clock, which begins shredding a dollar bill (your choice of denomination) from the time the alarm goes off. Be careful, though – Mashable reminds us that willfully destroying American currency is a federal offense. Source: “Money-Shredding Alarm Clock […]
The Australian satirical comics Clarke and Dawe take on the European debt crisis and the fragile world economy: Source: “Clark and Dawe: Lending merry-go-round” YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D0VhS8qXT0
Another great sketch from Carl Richards: From Richards’ newsletter accompanying the sketch: In my conversations about money, the most common desire people express is a simple desire for peace. We all just seem to want to get out from under the constant stress that so often comes whenever we talk or think […]
By Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica HBO’s “Too Big To Fail” – I just caught up with it last night; thank you, HBO On Demand – is extraordinarily revealing about the financial crisis. Only its revelations are almost entirely inadvertent. The movie is set up in the Hollywood conventional way: A gang […]
Online brokerage Zecco announced a new Facebook app that provides real-time stock quotes, charts, discussion and yes, active trading from within Facebook. It also gives users the ability to ‘Like’ a stock, and thereafter receive updates on that stock in your Facebook news feed. The app is called Wall Street. […]
From this weekend’s Saturday Night Live: SNL – Dominique Strauss-Kahn by Palmking512 Source: Dailymotion, 5/22/11 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xiufnv_snl-dominique-strauss-kahn_fun
Google has taken up the challenge of simplifying the process by creating a new service, Google Advisor, that makes it easy for users to compare products side
Bitcoin is a digital currency that has no central bank issuer and can be exchanged directly online, with no bank intermediary. The goal is to mitigate the instability of fiat currencies, including unpredictable inflation. Here’s how its creators present it: Sounds interesting, and as Matthew Ingram notes, Bitcoin is gaining […]
The smartest actionable portfolio ideas from around the financial blogophere today: – Bespoke illustrates the relative strength of stocks vs. bonds over the past year. – How does inflation impact stock returns? Eddy Elfenbein finds the “magic inflation rate” below which the market historically performs well. – Famed value-investor-with-hedges John […]
Economist John Harvey says it’s not supply and demand: Today’s spike is being driven by speculation, just as it was up to the financial crisis. Don’t take my word for it. Consider the data… Today, not only have known reserves risen substantially, but we are only just emerging from the […]