Robert Gay
At GEARS we have developed unique tools to find improving fundamentals companies when their share price is depressed and identify deteriorating fundamentals companies when their share price is extended. To perform that analysis, we have created an accurate set of fundamental performance metrics and a share price volatility calculator.
At GEARS we have developed unique tools to find improving fundamentals companies when their share price is depressed and identify deteriorating fundamentals companies when their share price is extended. To perform that analysis, we have created an accurate set of fundamental performance metrics and a share price volatility calculator.
We have selected the companies that have indicated that they will make their earnings announcement in the next few days and created four categories.
We have selected the companies that have indicated that they will make their earnings announcement in the next few days and created four categories
At GEARS we have developed unique tools to find improving fundamentals companies when their share price is depressed and identify deteriorating fundamentals companies when their share price is extended. To perform that analysis, we have created an accurate set of fundamental performance metrics and a share price volatility calculator.
At GEARS we have developed unique tools to find improving fundamentals companies when their share price is depressed and identify deteriorating fundamentals companies when their share price is extended. To perform that analysis, we have created an accurate set of fundamental performance metrics and a share price volatility calculator.
Author: Bob Gay, GEARS Disclaimer: Bob Gay owns FCS in his Covestor Earnings Surprise model. October 8, 2010: At GEARS we have developed unique tools to find improving fundamentals companies when their share price is depressed and identify deteriorating fundamentals companies when their share price is extended. To perform that […]
The collection and analysis of the second quarter 2010 financial statements is complete now and a broad based acceleration in corporate wealth is clear.
Author: Bob Gay – GEARS Disclaimer: Bob Gay owns RFMD, LSI and MHO in his Covestor Earnings Surprise Model. It was a light week for filings last week with only 4% of the GEARS company population presenting their most recent financial statements. The fundamentals improvement continues and cash flow growth […]
Visit Global Equity Analytics and Research Services (GEARS) on Covestor Disclaimer: The Covestor Earnings Surprise model owns ETM, SLAB, VECO) The earnings surprise pattern in fundamental data has a history. Over the past 15 years since filings began to appear on the Internet, we have observed many thousands of surprise […]
Visit Global Equity Analytics and Research Services(GEARS) on Covestor I have chosen companies that will report their earnings on July, 23 that have a positive surprise pattern in their 2Q2010 fundamentals. I have pared down that list to focus on companies with depressed share prices. These should give us the […]