Money managers are turning dour on the economy, based on the latest BofA poll. Yet market sentiment has not reached extremes.
Monthly Archives: July 2012
The Wall Street Journal introduces a new dollar index that offers improvements over the others already out there -- at least in theory.
Any inability to keep the markets calm regarding fiscal and tax issues in the US could lead to healthy losses
The combination of political stalemate and policy making through inaction is a drag on economic growth.
Big banks allowing hedge funds to try to front-run analyst recommendation changes is akin to other practices the SEC has cracked down on just this year.
The next-generation iPhone will use in-cell technology and have a thinner screen, the WSJ reports, helping it to play catch-up to Samsung.
The U.S. is "approaching recession", says Pimco's Bill Gross, joining a slate of negative economists who have dropped their GDP estimates.
The hiring of Marissa Mayer as Yahoo's CEO comes as the biggest executive announcement of 2012. Here are three reasons to think she can meet the challenge:
The model is dependent upon management’s ability to arbitrage short- and long-term interest rates, rather than stock market trends.